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The traditions of Theta Sigma Tau
Tau Trivia (part of Live-In Weekend)

Another tradition that took place during Live-In Weekend was Tau Trivia. This was held Saturday night, after Pledge Dinner had been digested (or otherwise disposed of... we're looking at you, pledges of spring 99... with your burnt pizza and raw brownies!). Tau Trivia was one of the most popular events of Live-in Weekend, drawing many alumni "home" to attend.

During Tau Trivia, each pledge in turn sat in a chair atop the round coffee table, with their Big on the table with them (and any other members of their family/lineage who wish to participate). The Big and other family members all had to have drinks; the pledge could have one if they wanted to but it was not required (this was to ensure that pledges were not being hazed).

The active members and alumni in attendance then call out trivia questions about people, places, activities, and anything else that relates to the the House, its members, or its history. If the pledge got an answer wrong, their Big (and other family members sitting with them) had to drink (the pledge could drink, too, but only if they wished to... hazing). If the pledge got an answer correct, everyone in the room EXCEPT the pledge (and their Big and family members) had to drink.

Many of the questions involve tales of people whom the pledges have never met, some of whom they have not even heard of. Other questions relate to more general house historic questions. As one might guess, some of these questions could border on the impossible for a pledge to answer.

It was the responsibility of the Big to make sure their Little had learned at least some small amount of Tau facts and history, although if a Big wanted to get trashed during Tau Trivia, they often didn't teach their Little too much! And, if the pledge was doing too well, the actives and alumni might begin asking more obscure questions to compensate.

Correct answers were only announced (if not answered correctly previously by a pledge) at the end of the evening. This permitted questions to be recycled if an earlier pledge couldn't answer one.

To assist the actives in keeping older, more obscure Tau Trivia from being forgotten, the Alumni Association gave a gift, Tau-Opoly, to the House in 2003.



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