- Theta Sigma Tau - The Crimson - 1951
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THE MEMBERS AND PLEDGES OF THETA SIGMA TAU: (top row, from left) K. Harker, R. Larsen, F. Steele, W. Stewart, J. Cochrane, C. Van Zoeren, W. Herbst, N. Kittleson, J. Wagner, J. Thorson, M. Peterson; (second row) C. Scheid, A. Welch, J. Koch, C. Johnson, R. Henry, J. Abel, C. Verlarde, W. Delzell, C. Linares, R. Murbach, T. Poulette; (bottom row) D. Cochrane, J. Webster, R. Reichardt, W. Black, R. Steffes, R. Walker, T. Mabie, B. Holmes, H. Tousley, K. LeFave. |
Theta's Big Year . . .
in the fraternity history was most prominently marked by its acquisition of a new house. Along with admitting Mr. A. Witte, the house father, as an honorary member. Theta upheld its past records of outstanding accomplishments.
Theta men filled many campus positions. "Whitey" Tousley served as house manager of the college theater and Bob Walker was assistant to the dean of men. Junior Jack Dekker was elected to full membership in Phi Alpha, the honorary scholastic society. Boyd "Pauncho" Holmes was director of the union.
Holmes was also business manager of Ver Adest and was assisted by Jim Cochrane. Arlan Welch was a member of the sextet, while Carlos Linares and Bob Walker were singers and dancers of the men's unit. Linares and Walker also lent their voices to the college choir.
Rounding out their schedule of activities, Theta men Jim Cochrane and Nate Kittleson played with the varsity basketball squad. John Koch entered Midwest track competition this year as a half-miler.
One of the most outstanding events of Theta's social year was its second annual Esquire party. Presented in collaboration with Lambda Delta Alpha, the party at which everyone dressed as characters from the "Magazine for Men" was held December 2 in the union. A pledge initiation banquet was given at the Hi-K club. As a finale to the year, the annual Spring party, a dinner dance, was held at the Fond du Lac country club.
THE OFFICERS OF THETA: (standing, from left) B. Steffes, corresponding secretary; B. Holmes, social chairman, J. Webster, president; R. Murbach, secretary; (sitting) R. Henry, historian; B. Stewart, intramural manager; J. Cochrane, chaplain; J. Thorson, vice-president; C. Scheid, treasurer. |