Member Websites
Many members of Theta Sigma Tau maintain personal websites or have businesses with websites. While this information will be listed on a member's directory info page, those pages are restricted to access by members and associates of the House only. So, we thought it would be nice to keep a list (with banner images where possible) of personal and business websites where anyone can find them and check them out.
Many members also maintain 'blogs or on-line journals/profiles at sites like My Space, Live Journal, etc. Since those are of a more personal nature, they may be found listed in a member's directory info page.

Paul Bernheimer (1980), Bernie

Larry Fahnoe (1984), Foo-foo

Alexia Natkin (2001), Spin Cycle

The Alumni Site's own little source for Tau stuff!

John C. Diedrich (1962), President, bought this company from his father, also a Ripon College graduate.

Plenz's MinionWear Store for all of his nieces and nephews

A novel by Ken Luber (1960)

Dave L'il Sho Shogren (1984) is a member of this band