- Theta Sigma Tau - "Barney Google's Guys" The Crimson - 1952
[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window] |
Front row: J. Abel, C. Linares, T. Bastis, B. Henry |
Second row: K. La Fave, B. Delzell, D. Harmon, C. Velarde |
Third row: B. Walker, R. Murbach, D. Cochrane, N. Kittleson, J. Dekker |
Fourth row: B. Steffes, T. Poulette, B. Stewart, C. Johnson |
Fifth row: J. Thorson, J. Wagner, B. Herbst, K. Harker, J. Cochrane, J. Tallgren |
Progress was the keynote of 1951-52 for Theta. The fraternity completed another successful term this year under the leadership of president John Thorson.
One of the first big events on the calendar was Homecoming. Theta won first place with their comic house decoration on the theme "We'll Bowl'Em Over." An even greater achievement, however, was the large number of former Theta men to return for the alumni banquet which was a huge success. Emphasis at the banquet was placed on strengthening the newly-formed Alumni Association. The foundation for this organization is now firmly established, and Theta men who leave school may look forward to becoming members of this integrated group.
Socially the men of Theta Sigma Tau maintained their high position in their activities. The third annual Esquire party was enjoyed by all. This dance was held in the game room of the Harwood Memorial Union. Its theme, decorations, and dress were taken directly from the pages of The Magazine for Men. A contest which was held for the best Esquire girl costume was won by Barbara Nielson of Alpha Gamma Theta. She was chosen by a board of judges made up of the male chaperones. An RCA recording orchestra was obtained for the dance, and everyone agreed that this violin-accordian combination was a fine background for the successful costume party.
Another high point in the social year was an informal contest with Lyle. Theta proved victorious, and brought home a trophy which now maintains a conspicuous place in the fraternity lounge.
The climax of the social events was the annual spring dinner-dance. An atmosphere made up of an excellent dinner, beautiful music, and exquisite companions provided a very wonderful time for all.
Theta was glad to welcome into its ranks John Tallgren as an honorary member, and George Middleton as an associate member. Theta's loss was the army's gain when Boyd "Pancho" Holmes, director of the student union, completed his graduation requirements at the end of the first semester.
A successful rushing program was climaxed in the acquisition of a pledge class which outnumbers the active members. The twenty-four pledges (pictured beow) were some of the top men on campus, being active in school and fraternity activities and yet keeping a very respectable scholastic average. The pledge period was short, much to the relief of the actives, who found that old saying "the more the merrier" was certainly true. Climaxing the pledge period was the hectic hell-week, after which a formal initiation ceremony was held in the union lounge. After the ceremony a banquet in honor of the new actives was held at the Hi-K cub.
[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window] |
Seated: J. Stacke, B. Bronson, B. Jensen, R. Norman, M. De Urriola, C. Stathas |
Second row: A. Carlson, J. Bronson, J. Jenson, R. Major, D. Jaeckels, J. Harmon |
Third row: R. Schuster, B. Weinkauf, M. Burns, R. KIttleson |
Fourth row: M. Dwyer, A. Heston, T. Leight, J. Kahoun, C. Kraus, G. Morgan, P. Morgan |
Theta's intramural program was ably managed by Carlos Velarde. The standings in any of the various sports found Theta in a very respectable position, in addition to placing men on the "All Intramural" teams.
Various other phases of fraternity life found Nate Kittleson as the able chaplain and Jim Cochrane overseeing all dances and parties as social chairman. Representing Theta in school government affairs was Bob Walker, vice-president of the student council. |
House Officers |
Seated: J. Cochrane, J. Thorson, R. Murbach |
Standing: T. Bastis, B. Steffes, B. Henry |
Pictures and text transcribed from the 1952 Crimson |