- Theta Sigma Tau - The Crimson - 1948
First row: G. Payne, J. Plano, L. TeSelle, H. Talbot, B. Hogan, G. Coerper |
Second row: A. Guenther, A. Spheeris, J. Secinaro, R. Knapmiller, W. Gross, W. Huron |
Third row: W. Ferguson, J. Kallies, C. Shephard, W. Steaffens, E. Olson, J. Roberts, R. Hine, G. Gibson |
The Theta men took an active part in the intramural sports program this year. Charlie Chepard and George Gibson set a fine example for their frat through their work on the basketball court. Shepard, the team captain, came through in the nick of time with those winning points in several games. Bob Hine and Evan Olson again gave a fine example of their piano playing in Ver-Adest. Gar Coerper also represented Theta House in the men's unit. Charlie Shepard was active in the senior class as secretary. Ned Webster represented Theta House by making the honor roll. Other Theta men were active in the various clubs on campus.
As usual the social event of the year was the Theta Barn Dance. To do their part towards the Second Century Program the Theta men sponsored a taxi dance.
The Theta men now have their own house on campus serving as their temporary headquarters until the new frat houses are built. The Theta men have worked hard to build up the frat on the foundation of the pre-war organization. |
Picture scanned and text cited from 1948 Crimson |
[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window] |
Front row: G. Payne, B. Hogan, H. Talbot, L. TeSelle, G. Coerper, W. Huron |
Second row: J. Secinaro A. Guenther, J. Plano, W. Gross, A. Spheeris, R. Knapmiller |
Third row: J. Kallies, C. Shepard, E. Olson, W. Steaffens, W. Ferguson, R. Hine, G. Gibson, J. Roberts |
[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window] |
Pledges (straw hats): H. Whitey Tousley, H. Toda, J. Rohner, A. Socks Osaka, D. Kasson, N. Ned Webster, R. Esteves, Luis Vasquez |
Second row: W. Ferguson, H. Talbot, A. Guenther, W. Huron, G. Gibson, G. Coerper, R. Knapmiller |
Third row: L. TeSelle, E. Olson, R. Hine, J. Kallies, J. Roberts, W. Steaffens, A. Spheeris, W. Gross |
Pictures courtesy of Evan Olson (50) |