- Theta Sigma Tau - The Crimson - 1947
Front: James Jim Cormack, William Twitchy Huron, William Bill Kurtzwig |
First row: Arthur Art Roeske, Donald Don Thompson, Glenn Doc Payne, Robert Wick Wickstrom, William Gargles Gross, Edwin Ned Webster, Arthur Art Guenther |
Second row: Jack Jacko Plano, Andrew Andy Spheeris, Bruce Spider Hogan, Harold Hal Talbot, Lawrence Larry Teselle, John Johnny Secinaro, William C. Steff Steaffens, Robert Crooner Knapmiller |
Third row: Jerry Haskett, Harold H.B. Martin, John Jack Kallies, Donald Don Buteyn, Robert Bob Hine, Walter Fergy Ferguson, Garfield Gar Korper, George Gib Gibson |
Top row: Melvin Mel Sussex, Howard Howie Fox, Evan Olson, John Long John Roberts, Jerry Blackstone, Frank Skinney Kalk, Richard Dick Starkel, Charles Shep Shepard |
Picture courtesy of Bill "Steff" Steaffens (50) |
[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window] |
Front row: C. Shepard, H. Martin, A. Guenther, A. Menge, G. Christensen, D. Buteyn, F. Kalk |
Second row: G. Gibson, R. Knappmiller, H. Fox, W. Gross, G. Payne, D. Thompson, J. Plano, R. Wickstrom |
Third row: J. Covill, L. TeSelle, J. Kallies |
Fourth row: R. Starkel, R. Kate, H. Talbot, J. Secinaro, A. Spheeris, E. Olson, J. Roberts |
Picture and text (below) courtesy of Evan Olson (50) (scan from photocopy) |
The Evans men were extremely active in intramural and intercollegiate sports during the past year according to their record. Their touch football team tied for first place and their volleyball team did equally as well. Many of their men reported for varsity football, basketball, and track but their president, Charlie Shepard, set a very shining example for his frat with his work on the basketball court. With him were George Gibson and Gerry Haskett.
The officers of Theta Sigma Tau this year were: Charles Shepard, President; Robert Wickstrom, Vice-President; Don Buteyn, Secretary; and Richard Starkel, Treasurer.
Dick Kate, Ned Webster, and Don Buteyn were mainstays on the very successful debate team this year. Dick Thrumston added much to the choir with his solo work. Charles Shepard was active on the Student Council where he represented the sophomore class as its president.
Social event of the year, as in every other year, was the traditional Evans Barn Dance - a party to end all parties. But on the serious side, the Evans men have worked hard to build their frat to its pre-war status despite the many handicaps of reorganization. They have expressed the intention of dedicating this work to their many frat brothers who were killed in action. |