- Theta Sigma Tau - The Crimson - 1912
Faculty Prof. W. H. Barber |
1911 |
Frank G. Mooney |
Emmitt A. Hassett |
Harold M. White |
1912 |
Charles B. Atwood |
Edward D. Fruth |
James C. Mutch |
Glen R. Otis |
Roy H. Cameron |
Bert L. Choate |
1913 |
Alfred Sutherland |
Harry W. Leaper |
Paul W. Buffum |
Horace P. Orlady |
Fred Herrmann |
Edward A. Gerber |
Glen T. Bradford |
1914 |
D. Frank MacGrath |
Ben C. Benson |
Walter L. Wood |
L. Lloyd Lane |
Arthur E. Beauchamp |
Alvin E. MacGrath |
"So coy and winsome a lady as myself I have not seen in many a day." - "Fiji" Miller |
Back row: Mutch, Beauchamp, Buffum, Choate, Hassett, Leaper, White, Wood |
Front row: Gerber, Cameron, Sutherland, Atwood, Fruth, F. MacGrath, Orlady, Herrmann, Otis |
"I've got to study tonight." - "Boit" Choate |